Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Christmas Eve!

Well, we got all our wrapping done last night. Mark likes to wrap more than I do really. It's nice to have it all under the tree.

I think I mentioned that this year we did NOT get a real tree....which I was SO happy about because I think that: (A) real trees are too expensive; (B) they're too much trouble since you have to water them; (C) their needles are annoying. But anyway, just due to lack of time Mark didn't press it this year so he "allowed" my olllllld tired 6ft fakey to go up. I personally am okay with it even though it's pretty small. I elevated it by using a box so that helps. Here's an idea of what we're working with here:

Tonight we'll be at Vineyard's Christmas Eve Service, Mark will be playing with the worship team as well. We're thinking we'll actually go eat some mexican food too after, IF our favorite is open. Some friends from church - their daughters are having a birthday party for Jesus. So we'll be going by their house for a bit as well.

I'll leave you with a pic from some of the ladies of Accounting in our cheesey hats from yesterday:

Happy Christmas Eve to You!!


lrigsby said...

I do wish you would post more. I love to keep up with you as you know. I wish we could come over and watch the game too. It's a bit of a drive though. Be looking for an email with my spring break dates in it! Love ya.

lrigsby said...

Listen, update your blog. I love you though.